Freitag, 29. Juni 2012

Kreativität macht einsam?

Hello guys...

this entry is for my german readers only, sorry!

In letzter Zeit ist mir deutlich aufgefallen, dass mein kreatives Hobby ein sehr einsames ist.
Als ich noch in Mainz lebte (das ist inzwischen 3 1/2 Jahre her) hatte ich öfters Treffen, bei denen man zusammen saß und zusammen an seinen kreativen Projekten arbeite (das ist inzwischen zu Freigeist e.V. geworden - sehr beeindruckend!). Oder ich konnte mich zumindest zu meiner Mama gesellen, die mir das Stricken und Häkeln beigebracht hat. 
Aber hier in Magdeburg habe ich so etwas nicht gefunden. Generell kenne ich hier so gut wie niemanden, der gerne näht, strickt oder häkelt, es lernen will, oder Zeit dafür hätte.
Meistens muss ich mich deswegen zwischen Zeit mit Freunden und der Kreativität entscheiden, was mir sehr schwerfällt. Immerhin ist es das, was ich mit meinem zukünftigen Leben anstellen will und dafür muss man sich schon reinhängen. Aber es macht verdammt einsam V_V

Es ärgert mich schon genug, dass ich in letzter Zeit wegen der Schule und anderen Problemen kaum mehr überhaupt dazu kam und wenn ich jetzt etwas freie Zeit habe, dann muss ich die auch noch aufsplitten in Soziale Kontakte vs. Kreativität -_-
Es wäre sooooo schön, wenn man das irgendwie vereinen könnte! Ich vermisse die Zeiten so sehr, als man noch zusammen saß, redete, Musik hörte, sich gegenseitig half und am Ende stolz seine fertigen Projekte präsentierte.. *seufz*

Für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall, dass ich hiermit grade jemanden von euch das ganze schmackhaft gemacht habe oder ihr einfach Mitleid habt (wahrscheinlicher ;)), könnt ihr euch gerne bei mir melden... ^_~

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

Popteen June 2012 Issue....

I am subscribed the "Popteen"-Magazine for many, many years now because I really liked this magazines and the in it presented styles.. but nowadays I'm in despair with their tastelevel...

Actually I liked this retro-gal-lolita-thing when it came up last year...

Cute, isn't it? It's not suiting my style at all and I wouldn't buy something like that. But on this tiny asian ladies it looks quite cute. No doubt about it.

BUT.. It's totally enough already!
And anyway, fashion lately has gotten more and more  into ways that I don't appreciate... when I browse through the June Issue of Popteen, there is almost nothing I like! And I have been subscribing Popteen every month since many years but now I am really thinking of canceling the Abonnement -_-

I'll show you what I mean...

I like this big-hole-Pullovers/shirts like beneath:

BUT that was it! That were the only pieces that I liked in the whole mag o_O

And now on to the bad ones... (click to enlarge)
 In this outfits isn't anything beautiful or even cute.. it's just BIG....



... and reminds me of old womans bathing clothes.... really... 

 This coords look like this girls pulled out anything out of their wadrobe and just put it on in the dark without having a single look into a mirror. Even my Mum has a better fashion-taste O_o. I'm just... shocked.

 And for this one... these dresses make even tiny, thin japanese models look fat. That's just wrong.

(Scans from

When did Gyaru become so damn unflattering?!

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Lookbook and fashion nowadays...

Sometimes I browse lookbook because I want to get inspired. I like seeing good and beautiful outfits.
But then there are also these outfits when I think to myself "How could someone possible wear this?!"
Maybe the current fashion is just not my cup of tea (and that's certainly some reason) but... there are some inspiring current outfits, too!

So, let me show you some of the inspiring ones and the ones that I can just shake my head over (please don't let me offend you, if you like the kind of fashionstyle I disike.. It's just a subjective matter of taste and eryone has an own opinion.)

I begin with the ones I like the most (not chronological)!

Some time ago this hole-pullover woud have been tagged as gay... To me it's just very interesting!

Looks great. Has some kind of poccahontas feeling to it without being too literally.

Almost a bit too fairy, but the dress is gorgeous!

This sailor-thing got me! Like!

Like the darkred dress and the nude-colored shoes and jacket!

Just cool.

Nice and flowy dress in interesting color and fabric!

I can't say much about the outfit but the pose looks great!

And the ones I just can't understand... (not chronological, either)

The title nailed it. Funny.

That's just my face when I saw THIS...

Just because you're asian doesn't mean you can wear a destroyed pullover and call it a "look"...
Just saying.

Not even if you're pregnant!

I cannot find anything that's NOT wrong in here!

If you ever wonder what to wear to a bad taste party... here is my solution.

Ohh, we don't mind you forgetting the panties... would you bother turning around, please? (With some kind of miniskirt or hotpants underneath I would actually like this outfit! But like this it looks as if she lost her underwear and tries to hide it with her bag...)

Any opinions to share? :)

Samstag, 16. Juni 2012

Booked Mallorca-Holidays!!! ^__^

I wasn't travelling anywhere since... 2008 o_O
That means... since 2008 I'm too poor for holidays, that's really a sad fact :O
But for this year I saved up for travelling 5 days to Mallorca in my summer holidays (in the middle of August).. with some cheap flight and a cheap hotel and a cheap rental car... lol.

I'm already so excited!!! :D

I am working out as often as I have the time to do so and already made some progress again ^_^
Bikinifigure has to be ready until then!

I just tried a few beach-outfits... OMG.. it's about 2 months away and I am already thinking of what to wear on the beach xD

Anyway, I'm going to show you!

This pink top is from H&M these days. It's perfect for some summer/beach outfit! Lace&see-through = Love :D
And it was only 5 €! H&M has summer-sale quite early o_O I wanted a new bikini from them but now the panties are not available anymore! >_< HATE!

I really have to sew a lot until then.. wanna make some fashion-shooting there with my clothes on ^-^

Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Uh-oh, projects are watching!!

I moved a few months ago but I'm not done unpacking everything yet... especially when it comes to my sewing-things... that's quite... a mess.......
As I was searching for something I could bring myself to at least sort my upcoming projects to a place where I can see them (so they will be watching me till I've done them xD).

There are so many summer-projects I definitely want to wear this summer! *_*
And when I'm already at the topic... We still search for a holiday-destination somewhere cheap and warm! ... but that's quite difficult -_-...

Freitag, 1. Juni 2012

Shooting with lovely model Sandra ^_^

Hello hello,

last weekend I had a shooting with a friend of mine, also named Sandra, who agreed to be my model, yay! She is such a sweet and gorgeous-looking girl, I can't say how happy I am about the shooting with her! ^^
I'm not a good photographer at all, haha, I'm just practising (another friend got a photography-workout for her birthday from us, maybe she can teach me some skills :D)

For the dress: I made it aaaaaaaaages ago, that was when I still lived in Mainz... Omg... and never wore it, because it doesn't suit me and my personal style anymore (back then I was more into lolita-inspired-styles).
So the dress was packed in a box and... has been forgotten. When I moved again and found it once again, I already knew Sandra and thought "That's it!", haha. Because it has a shirring in the back, it fitted her really well and the pictures turned out amazing! :)

I can't even decide which one is my favorite..... thank you so much, Sandra!! :)