Samstag, 30. März 2013

some random ouftits ^.^

Hey guys,

because I've got a bit of free time right now, I'll show you some recent outfits..  some pictures are somehow lost on my pc, though =_=;

But I've also found these pics from last autumn again (lol, "recent" *cough*)... so, theres probably no reason to be worried xD

 Dress: raspberry-juice
Cardigan: raspberry-juice
Shoes: New Yorker

I think I'm going to sell this dress... I don't like it on me :/

Dress: raspberry-juice
Shoes: ebay

 Dress: raspberry-juice (I'm thinking of a way to spray a silver pattern on this dress... so, it's not really finished yet ^^)
Shoes: New Yorker
Necklace: present from Thomas ^-^v

And because this post would be rather short and boring... I am adding a cat-special :D
 (pics are 2 years old already, lol ^^)

living scarf ^^

trying to attack the camera ^^;

That's my cat named Minnie ^^ (but mostly is adressed as "Katze", "das Tier" or "Baby" - depending on what she has done this time ;))
She loves to jump and climb on people ^^;
When you don't expect that to happen (like at night on the way to the toilet -_-) this is quite scary xD

4 Kommentare:

  1. Oh woooooow! das zweite kleid das ist der oberhammer Q.Q
    das könnte ich niemals tragen >.< bin einfach zu dick dafür Q.Q

    deine katze ist aber echt der hammer wie es schaut :D Einfach nur niedlich :D

  2. Einfach nur der Hammer diese langen Beine... ;)

  3. beneidenswerte beine XD

    ich find, dir stehn alle kleider total gut*-* ich mag das 2. voll gerne. liebe kurze kleider und röcke xD hast du die selber genäht?

    1. Danke ^///^;
      Jaaa.. habe alle selber gemacht. Freut mich total, dass sie dir gefallen :)
