Sonntag, 1. April 2012


The same procedure as every year, lol.
About 2 weeks ago I started my spring-workout with jogging (I really like jogging when the weather is nice and sunny) and doing exercises nearly everyday (when I'm not in the mood or haven't got the time for going to the gym I'm doin'g them at home) and I'm already quite satisfied... :)

workout "outfit" ;)...
Are you doing some kind of exercises? And are you motivated when spring arrives? ^^

5 Kommentare:

  1. So verlierst aber das höschen beim joggen ;o) richtig anziehen!


  2. Det hält, keine Sorge Herr Papa! ;)

  3. Für den unwahrscheinlichen Fall das morgen plötzlich Hochsommer wäre: du wärest für mich am Strand DER Hingucker <3

    (glatte 10 von 10, ne? *g*)

  4. das Bauchnabelpiercing.... yeah, da isses :-D

  5. Oh Gott *_* total tolle Figur! Will auuuch!

    Und ne die bleiben so! danke <3
