I really like aquaria and so does Thomas, that's why we visited the Sea Life Aquaria in Hannover!
I had a really good time making funny pictures of Thomas xP
Although I was sick again and very tired from medication >_<
Nevertheless, that's what I wore:
love this color combination ^///^ |
And I wore my pink streaks ^o^
It was nice weather when we arrived at Sea Life and botanical garden |
Inside Sea Life:
I like turtles :D |
trying to photograph the skates... but they were too fast ~_~ |
Those guys were really funny ^^ |
Did you ever had a shark right over your head? ^^; |
Beautiful fish! |
xD |
Okay, I was really frightened... |
Turtle again! ^0^ |
After that we went into Hannover city. But honestly we didn't see much of it... it was crowded and started to rain... and I didn't feel well x_X
Fancy looking station |
And yes, I
was in Primark for the first time!!! Gosh, how much I envied all those girls which had one in their near and are always posting their gets from it xD
So it was an absolutely MUST to go there :D
And my opinion?
It's HUGE.
It's REALLY crowded.
And it felt like a cross between H&M and IKEA @_@;
But the clothes were really cheap and fashionable!
After surviving Primark! |
Finally: My gets! ^o^ |
Leo BH, Tights, Sneakers, warm Boots (I love those Boots! They are comfy and chic and what counts most: Primark has enough shoes in size EU 42!!! A big plus in comparison with H&M -.-) and pink jeggings (which I don't even try because I didn't want to wait in front of the changing rooms for another 30 Minutes (!!!) - and now it doesn't fit -.-)
So, in the end, it's worth visiting Primark to find cheap clothing and bigger sized shoes. But don't dare to go there on a Saturday.........
gehts hier auch mal weiter????
AntwortenLöscheneinen schönen blog hast du da =D... würde mich freuen, wenn du deinen blog irgendwann mal weiter schreibst =D
Ich stehe auch total auf gyaru und lolita.... und komme auch au magdeburg.
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Merle Princess
würde mich freuen, wenn du mal vorbei schaaust =D
LG Merle
AntwortenLöschenschöner Blog...tolle Bilder, freu mich auf mehr von dir.
lieben Gruß
Thanks for posting this, was a good discussion on the differences between introverts and extroverts. It is hard for introverts to accept they are completely normal.
AntwortenLöschenObat Terapi Pasca Stroke
Obat Penyakit Flek Paru Paru
Obat Batuk Radang Tenggorokan
Obat TBC Rahim
Obat Tumor Jaringan Lunak
Obat Infeksi Pankreas
Obat Penyakit TBC
Obat Ranula
Obat Fibrokistik Payudara
Obat Tradisional Sariawan
Obat Tangan Sering Kesemutan
Obat Tumor Rahim
Obat Darah Putih Tinggi
Obat Wasir Berdarah
Obat Jantung Rematik
Obat Osteosarcoma
Obat Meniere
Obat Penyakit Rematik
Obat Penyakit TBC
Obat Penyakit Hepatitis Akut
Obat Penyakit Wasir
Obat Sakit Kepala
Obat Penyakit Asma
Obat Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Obat Penyakit Leukemia
Obat Penyakit Sinusitis
Obat Sariawan Di Bibir
Obat Infeksi Indung Telur
Cara Mengobati Kista Rahim
Obat Batu Saluran Kemih
Obat Pasca Operasi Batu Ginjal
Terimakasih sudah mengizinkan saya berkomentar disini.. saya hanya sekedar share.. mohon untuk tidak di hapus..
AntwortenLöschenPengobatan Kanker Serviks
Obat Kelenjar Getah Bening
Ace Maxs
Obat Wasir Berdarah
Pengobatan Darah Tinggi
Pelangsing Tradisional
Obat Kuat
Pengobatan Liver
Pengobatan Radang Paru Paru
Obat Sakit Pinggang
Obat Benjolan Di Leher
Obat Haid Tidak Teratur
Pengobatan Lambung Bocor
Pengobatan Kanker Hati
kan nuttig zijn, de informatie is erg handig, dank je
AntwortenLöschenSAZH.NET - day ✖ dream