Montag, 18. November 2013

Visiting Sea Life Hannover // First time in PRIMARK!!! xD

I really like aquaria and so does Thomas, that's why we visited the Sea Life Aquaria in Hannover!
I had a really good time making funny pictures of Thomas xP
Although I was sick again and very tired from medication >_<

Nevertheless, that's what I wore:
love this color combination ^///^
 And I wore my pink streaks ^o^

It was nice weather when we arrived at Sea Life and botanical garden

 Inside Sea Life:

I like turtles :D
trying to photograph the skates... but they were too fast ~_~
Those guys were really funny ^^

Did you ever had a shark right over your head? ^^;

Beautiful fish!

Okay, I was really frightened...
Turtle again! ^0^
After that we went into Hannover city. But honestly we didn't see much of it... it was crowded and started to rain... and I didn't feel well x_X

Fancy looking station
And yes, I was in Primark for the first time!!! Gosh, how much I envied all those girls which had one in their near and are always posting their gets from it xD
So it was an absolutely MUST to go there :D
And my opinion?
It's HUGE.
It's REALLY crowded.
And it felt like a cross between H&M and IKEA @_@;
But the clothes were really cheap and fashionable!

After surviving Primark!

Finally: My gets! ^o^
 Leo BH, Tights, Sneakers, warm Boots (I love those Boots! They are comfy and chic and what counts most: Primark has enough shoes in size EU 42!!! A big plus in comparison with H&M -.-) and pink jeggings (which I don't even try because I didn't want to wait in front of the changing rooms for another 30 Minutes (!!!) - and now it doesn't fit -.-)

So, in the end, it's worth visiting Primark to find cheap clothing and bigger sized shoes. But don't dare to go there on a Saturday.........

Freitag, 1. November 2013

This was Halloween

One contemporary blogpost :D *proud of myself*

This was my "costume", pretty easy but I really liked it! It suits my character @_@;

The first time I used my presend from Lau, Diamond Lashes, and I love them! ^_^v
They were so comfortable to wear, I was even sleeping with full makeup xD
I want circle lenses that I can actually wear ;_____;

Evil Kater is evil!
being killed with my own trident
Grumpy devil
sweet revenge ;)

Whole custome group ^^
 Great evening because I forgot everything bad of it... that's a way to be happy! xD