On thursday school started again in my region. All classes were split up, shuffled and put together into new classes. I'm really sad about that! Although we could see each other every day in recess... can't stop grieving about that :O (I'll miss you, Martin! >_<)
Anyway, I'm curious about my new class and new teachers and everything... for some of my fellow pupils this will be their last year (maybe for me, too. Not sure about that yet T_T), therefore I hope we'll have fun as much as possible and creating some good last memories of our schooltime!! ^_^
My outfit for the first schooldays. Wearing my "Sweet like candy"-Dress again *happy with it* ^_^
My hair isn't that bright anymore and in the lower half there isn't hardly any color left ^^;; Kinda weird... but have to live with it ^^
Since summer vacation came to an end I'm looking back at this list I made 6 weeks ago and draw a conclusion:
* Mallorca vacation
* visiting family in Mainz
* visiting a friend in Leipzig
* maybe visiting Berlin
* having a lot of time for exercising
* going swimming and tanning of course
* meeting friends and party
* reorganize schoolthings
* find something I want to do after the a-levels
* start painting with acrylcolors
* of course sewing/knitting/crocheting and taking a lot of pictures!
Mh. Not that much done xD
6 weeks sounds like a lot of time.. but in the end it wasn't ^^; I really was kinda lazy... didn't do much exercising - at least not that much I intended to.
And I didn't party at all! o_O OMG, what's wrong with meeeee???!! Most of the time the people I wanted to party with didn't had enough time -_- And other ones just showed their asshole-personality! Hate it when friends suddenly turn into assholes... -_-
I've bought some canvas for painting... but never found the mood for painting, though -_-.
And I avoided searching for something I want to do after the A-Levels because it's too depressing -_- I really AM a scaredy-cat -_- (... nice expression for the german word "Angsthase" found via Leo Dict ^^)
Aaaaahhhh I'm too lazy.... hate iiiiiiit >_<~~
Anyway, I'm curious about my new class and new teachers and everything... for some of my fellow pupils this will be their last year (maybe for me, too. Not sure about that yet T_T), therefore I hope we'll have fun as much as possible and creating some good last memories of our schooltime!! ^_^
My outfit for the first schooldays. Wearing my "Sweet like candy"-Dress again *happy with it* ^_^
My hair isn't that bright anymore and in the lower half there isn't hardly any color left ^^;; Kinda weird... but have to live with it ^^
Since summer vacation came to an end I'm looking back at this list I made 6 weeks ago and draw a conclusion:
* maybe visiting Berlin
* having a lot of time for exercising
* meeting friends and party
* reorganize schoolthings
* find something I want to do after the a-levels
* start painting with acrylcolors
Mh. Not that much done xD
6 weeks sounds like a lot of time.. but in the end it wasn't ^^; I really was kinda lazy... didn't do much exercising - at least not that much I intended to.
And I didn't party at all! o_O OMG, what's wrong with meeeee???!! Most of the time the people I wanted to party with didn't had enough time -_- And other ones just showed their asshole-personality! Hate it when friends suddenly turn into assholes... -_-
I've bought some canvas for painting... but never found the mood for painting, though -_-.
And I avoided searching for something I want to do after the A-Levels because it's too depressing -_- I really AM a scaredy-cat -_- (... nice expression for the german word "Angsthase" found via Leo Dict ^^)
Aaaaahhhh I'm too lazy.... hate iiiiiiit >_<~~
I´ll miss you too!! :(
AntwortenLöschenI didn´t know anybody in my new class, only my class teacher (and the other teachers of course). ^^
This class-planning sucks. -.-
lovely outfit <3
AntwortenLöschenvery nice hair > O * ♥
Thank youuu ^-^
LöschenHey :3
AntwortenLöschenDein Outfit ist total schööön. :) Toller Blog. ^^
Also ich mag ja Lolita schon seit einer Weile ganz gerne. ♥ Ich will auch gern weitere Kleider haben und mal tragen aber eher so als Hobby und nicht so ganz übertrieben. :) Aber danke.
Eine Freundin von mir hatte ein paar Bilder von uns gemacht. Sie wollte da noch ein bisschen rumbasteln und dann die Bilder mal veröffentlichen bzw uns schicken. Bin ja mal gespannt. ^^
Ich mach dann bestimmt auch noch einen Post drüber. :)
Dankeschön ^-^
LöschenHab dich aboniert und warte auf Fotos! ^^
such a cute pose i lvoe the dress and your hair looks great!
AntwortenLöschenhaha wie coll ist das denn wir benutzen glaube ich die selbe marke, habe die selben haare also farbe, nur das meine nun ausgewaschen sind da ich die lange nicht mehr nachgefäbrt habe.
AntwortenLöschenbloniderst du dir den ansatz selber nach oder gehst du zum friseur?
Wunderschöner Blog, mach weiter so.
Musste dir auch direkt mal folgen…du hast einen neuen Fan <3
Hoffe du schaust bei mir auch mal vorbei
Dein Amely Rose von:
Sorry für die späte Antwort!
LöschenSieht wirklich aus, als hätten wir dieselbe Farbe! :D Wenn ich das nochmal machen sollte, nehm ich glaub ich einen mehr ins rosane gehenden Ton, das pink war mir ein bisschen zu neon ^^
Ich färb mir die Ansätze selber, hab kein Geld dauernd zum Friseur zu gehen *lach* Aber klappt auch so echt gut, von daher ^^
Dein Blog gefällt mir auch sehr gut! Hab dich gleich mal in meinen Feedreader gepackt ^_^v