Do you know these days when you wake up and know something inside you has change in a totally wrong direction? It feels like not knowing myself anymore.. just waking up and not knowing myself anymore.
That's a really creepy feeling...
But these days exist and I have to deal with them and keep believing that tomorrow everything will be better...
Meanwhile I'm just trying to detract myself from this awkward feelings by sorting some pictures and doing a blogpost...
For a couple of weeks I dyed my hair to some kinda purple-red color. I actually like red hair (and that purple-thingy-color, too) but I wouldn't dye my hair constantly because I'm too afraid of the damage ^^;
So this color lasts only for a few days (in the end it was almost light-pink xD).
The dress is actually a old gothic-lace-skirt from my sister - I made it into a strapless dress :D
And I really got into designing cute sleep-dresses! ^^
This one's is out of white lace and ruffles and ribbons.... aawwww... a little girls' dream :)
I really liked the contrast with the white dress and the (almost) red hair ^^
I'm designing other sleepwear at the moment.. I'm going to show you soon :)
That's a really creepy feeling...
But these days exist and I have to deal with them and keep believing that tomorrow everything will be better...
Meanwhile I'm just trying to detract myself from this awkward feelings by sorting some pictures and doing a blogpost...
For a couple of weeks I dyed my hair to some kinda purple-red color. I actually like red hair (and that purple-thingy-color, too) but I wouldn't dye my hair constantly because I'm too afraid of the damage ^^;
So this color lasts only for a few days (in the end it was almost light-pink xD).
The dress is actually a old gothic-lace-skirt from my sister - I made it into a strapless dress :D
And I really got into designing cute sleep-dresses! ^^
This one's is out of white lace and ruffles and ribbons.... aawwww... a little girls' dream :)
I really liked the contrast with the white dress and the (almost) red hair ^^
I'm designing other sleepwear at the moment.. I'm going to show you soon :)
those night dresses look very cute and i love your hair, i know the creepy feeling too :p
AntwortenLöschenI love your hair and the night dress! Hope you feel better soon!
AntwortenLöschenDas klingt ja total furchtbar! Ich drück dir die Daumen das es dir bald besser geht!!!
AntwortenLöschenUnd deine Haare sehen echt toll aus! Hast du ne dauerwelle machen lassen? Die Locken sind toooll!^^
Thanks! ^_^
AntwortenLöschen@Nana: Keine Dauerwelle... wollte ich zwar mal, würde aber die haare zu sehr kaputt machen :/ Die Locken da hab ich mit Papilotten gemacht ^^ (ne scheiß Arbeit jedes mal ^^)