Ich habe in der letzten Zeit mal versucht, mit meinen widerspenstigen Haaren ein paar Frisuren hinzubekommen. Ich bin da eigentlich gar nicht gut darin, überhaupt irgendwas mit meinen Haaren zu machen ^^; (Deswegen mach ich meistens gar nichts damit.) Meine Haare sind aber auch schwierig, Locken halten nicht lange darin und überhaupt machen die eigentlich nur was sie wollen, lol..
Naja, aber ein bisschen verbessert habe ich mich schon, denke ich! ^^
Recently I tried some new hairdos. I'm not good at doing anything with my hair! (That's why I'm doing nothing with them most of the time.) They aren't suited for curls and do what they want all the time, lol..
But I improve, I think! ^^
Okay, you know this hairdo already because of the shootingpictures I posted. But I'd like to mention that this is the very first time I did a hairdo at all! >_< I never did buns or curls before! So I am very proud of the outcome ^^ By the way, there are socks in the buns, who would've noticed? :D
This is the hairdo for the latest post. Braids are cute! ^^

Curly pigtails! I love them so much!! *__*
By the way, these pictures were from my homeshooting with the "Memories of the past-Dress" ^^
(I love especially the left one <3)

I love taking shots in the bathroom before I go out ^^
The left picture turned out kind of.. arty ^^ But I like it! *.*

Well, that's how I do the curls: I use bendy hair curlers. You can roll them into your hair while you dress up, do the make-up, feed the cats, whatever, and after 1 - 2 hours the hair is curly :D Without heat or chemicals! ^^
(left pic: I wanted to do a Hikari of Popteen Look and showing my tongue, hehe ^^)
I'm totally obsessed with this melody of the Liz Lisa fashionshow for TGC A/W 2010. Can't stop listening, lol.
I'm eagerly anticipate the videos of the S/S 2011 Fashionshow so much. Still waiting~~
Naja, aber ein bisschen verbessert habe ich mich schon, denke ich! ^^
Recently I tried some new hairdos. I'm not good at doing anything with my hair! (That's why I'm doing nothing with them most of the time.) They aren't suited for curls and do what they want all the time, lol..
But I improve, I think! ^^
Okay, you know this hairdo already because of the shootingpictures I posted. But I'd like to mention that this is the very first time I did a hairdo at all! >_< I never did buns or curls before! So I am very proud of the outcome ^^ By the way, there are socks in the buns, who would've noticed? :D
This is the hairdo for the latest post. Braids are cute! ^^

Curly pigtails! I love them so much!! *__*
By the way, these pictures were from my homeshooting with the "Memories of the past-Dress" ^^
(I love especially the left one <3)

I love taking shots in the bathroom before I go out ^^
The left picture turned out kind of.. arty ^^ But I like it! *.*

Well, that's how I do the curls: I use bendy hair curlers. You can roll them into your hair while you dress up, do the make-up, feed the cats, whatever, and after 1 - 2 hours the hair is curly :D Without heat or chemicals! ^^
(left pic: I wanted to do a Hikari of Popteen Look and showing my tongue, hehe ^^)
I'm totally obsessed with this melody of the Liz Lisa fashionshow for TGC A/W 2010. Can't stop listening, lol.
I'm eagerly anticipate the videos of the S/S 2011 Fashionshow so much. Still waiting~~
"Ich bin da eigentlich gar nicht gut darin, überhaupt irgendwas mit meinen Haaren zu machen ^^;"
AntwortenLöschenIch finde da sagen die Bilder aber was ganz anderes, da sind doch so viele wundervolle Beispiele, die zeigen, das du es da echt drauf hast! ^.^
Hoffe du hast auch in Zukunft viel Spaß dran, neue Sachen auszuprobieren, würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich da villeicht auch etwas Motivation beisteuern kann :>
Vonwegen du kannst keine Frisuren machen! Diese Bommeln sind der Hammer, echt! Ich will das auch können ;_;''
AntwortenLöschenlol @ das Hikari-Bild xD Da hast du ihre lieblingspose echt gut getroffen^^
@Thomas: JA motivier sie!^^
Tse, als ob du irgendwas mit meiner Motivation zu tun hättest, Thomas ;)
AntwortenLöschenDu warst ja nich mal anwesend xD
this with the curly pigtails suits you very good!
AntwortenLöschenThank you! ♥