Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011

Granny Square Mini-Skirt - Crocheting isn't only for grannies!!!

I hope you had a great christmas time and a good start into the new year!
Now I am back from my parents where I was for christmas.
Who's interested can find some shots from my holidays here at my "private" blog ^^.

As it almost never stopped snowing the past four weeks I had a little snow-shooting (that's by the way the only reasonable thing - in my humble opinion - to do with snow! >_<).

This skirt is entirely crocheted. The lower skirt is made out of modified "granny squares". I really love this pattern! *_*
I wanted to create a skirt to wear in winter over tights which keeps me warm AND is still sexy because of the holes in the pattern.
I crocheted a matching hat, too!
The matching hat
Here you can see the pattern well AND my foxtail on the left. It's too bright for seeing it well with snow in the background >__<
Unfortunately all pictures are too bright because of the snow >_<
Thank you for taking these pictures and getting wet feet, Thomas! ♥

5 Kommentare:

  1. Always a pleasure! :>
    Glad at least some of them turned out that good^^

    - thomas

  2. Hui, sehr hübsch. :D Da soll noch einer behaupten, beim Häkeln könne nichts entstehen, was sexy ist. ;)

  3. Huch, sogar ein Röckchen. Ich mag's - das rote Kleid im LJ aber ncoh mehr! :D
    Ich hab am Hbf letztens einige Häkelzeitschriften gesehen und musste sofort an dich denken, finde es toll, dass du das machst! ^^
    Heheee, jetzt hab ich deinen Blog endlich auch mal geaddet, wusste ich gar nicht! :D

  4. Vielen Dank! ^///^

    Wenn diese Anleitungen in den Zeitschriften nicht so uuuurst unverständlich wären >_< Ich hab bisher noch alles ohne Anleitung gemacht, meine Mama hat mir die Grundtechnik beigebracht ^^

  5. Tolles Outfit! *.*
    Und die Jacke ist cool ^^

