About a week ago Thomas and I drove to austria for a one-week-vacation with mountains and hiking and "sightseeing" (or better: beautiful-landscape-seeing :D).
From Magdeburg to our destination "Hallstätter See" it took us almost 9 hours because of traffic jam :O
On our journey over germany's highways we rested on a motorway service area that had a lake right next to it! A beautiful lake with really clear water! I had to put my feet into it :D
Really relaxing! Every motorway service area should have a lake :D |
And I cooked a bentou the day before that I ate in the car. Yummy! It has all sushi incredients, just mixt into a "salad". Doesn't look that nice but tastes similar xD (I'm lazy and I hate cooking xD)
When we arrived at the town where we would stay we searched for our rented holiday flat. But... this town doesn't have any streetnames and
the housenumbers weren't next to each other!! Can you believe that? There was the number 7 next to number 180 O_O Even our navigation system, which brought us this far perfectly, had no clue. So we searched this whole town for our number and it was so frustrating, because the streets were narrow and it was like a labyrinth in there >_<
In the end we had to ask someone -_-
But even the ones that lived in this town didn't know where which housenumber is xD Luckily he knew the owner of our flat and could help us - lucky :D (we lost our way out of town or while driving back to the flat everytime, though. Labyrinth in there! xD)
Buuuuut that was the view from our flat! You can see the lake! Isn't it beautiful? I love that colorful tree and this cute looking houses!
When we got our luggage into the flat it was already evening. So we headed out to explore the town and find something to eat for dinner. But in this whole town we couldn't find one single restaurant, doner kebap or anything like that. This town was almost like dead! And when we walked there a lot of people greeted us or said something, which I just couldn't understand o_O Me everytime: "What did he just say???" Austria people are talking really funny ^^;
So we decided to stay hungry and take some pictures instead ;D
My outfit for that day. Weather was really warm ^^ |
I really like this pic I took. Kakoi desu yo! ^^ |
Selfshot. It was already cold so I wore his leather jacket and tights ^^ (has a Nana-Feeling to it xD) |
Great reflex on the lake! |
The lake was like a mirror - so beautiful an peaceful! *_* |
But than Thomas had to jump into it xD
Next day shallow clouds were hanging all over the landscape.
First we decided to go for breakfast in a town called "Abtenau". Quite beautiful with all those cafes and the mountains in the background.
I put effort into my hair and outfit... |
... that got soon destroyed by wind and weather -_-
But we decided to go on a mountain nether the less! We planned to go up to the middle by elevator, hike to the top and drive back down with europes largest summer coasting slide :D
But when we were walking back to the coasting slide it began to rain - while we were in the middle of nowhere on a mountain - NOOOOOOO!!! >O<
When we arrived at the station we were not expecting to ride the coasting slide because of the rain but to go down with the elevator. But we didn't know they would close early (everything closes early in austria :O) and we almost missed our last chance to go down by elevator. We were almost forgotten on a mountain while it was pouring rain!! :O
But let me show you the pictures we took while hiking!
view over cloudy valley |
| | | |
Arty as always :D |
I was inspired by the art of Caspar David Friedrich :D |
beautiful view in background |
there should have been a small lake. But it was gone xD |
guess who's feeling cold already ;) |
Theeereeee we wanted to go! |
But this guys came in our way. Scary looking sheep gang xD |
Having fun fotographing :D |
At the top: "I'm going to jump! REALLY!!"
(jacket ist selfmade btw :D) |
And resting on my throne- haha :D |
I fell asleep like dead after this adventurous day :D