Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013

When you can't do anything else... do your nails! + catspecial

The title nails it........ xD

My latest nail design. I was inspired by some amekaji-coordinates from cocolulu... ^^ It's neon yellow with black and silver zebra-pattern ^^ (I'm totally into bright color at the moment xD)


That was the design I hab before. It's very easy but also suits almost every outfit because my whole accessories are silver ^^

Aaaaand to finish this... I hope you have a great Vathersday/Men's Day!

Kater - as á male - is already celebrating ^^

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013

Tartan Rockabilly Dress Shooting + short visit in Leipzig

Another entry in a row, yay xD

Spring finally came to Magdeburg and I just had to use the chance to grab Thomas, the big camera and take some shots of my newest dress! I am really in love with this dress, I don't want to brag.. but.. this was my first attempt for a dress like that and it actually did turn out exactly as I wanted it. I never expected that to happen, haha xD Therefore I am wearing it with pride :D
I wore it a few weeks ago for school, for my interview at the fashion-design-school and for partying (but there I took only silly party pictures as always), that's why some higher quality pictures had to be made! ^^

Dress: raspberry-juice
Necklace: Ernstings Family (present from Thomas ^.^)
Tights: C&A
Boots: Deichmann

(I loooooove those boots by the way! I searched so long for some lace up boots without heels *_*)

all those pretty flowers *_*

quite typical angle for me, haha

this steam-engine would be perfekt for some steam-punk shooting *_*;
Just couldn't resist :P

 Someday I want a pictures with all my friends in front of this banner! *goal* :D

Photographer and me :D

First time using bottom lashes ^^;;
Silver accessory + silver nails!

Aaaaaaannnndddd... although most of you already know those pictures from facebook... they may not be absent here :D

While visiting Leipzig for the design-school interview:

I'm seeing these giant mirror shots on almost every blog and had to try it too xD
(why doesn't have H&M Magdeburg  such mirrors?? >_<)

Nice Tobi offered a ride on his back when I got tired from walking. I made him my personal chocobo :D

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

Debut as editorial staff with "port01 Magdeburg" :D

I am sick at the moment, that's why I'm acutally bored (that's an really unusual thing for me xD) and working on some blogposts... and I'm going to start with this news!

Last month I signed a contract with the city magazine "port01" in Magdeburg as a freelance editorial staff and yesterday was my first little article published, yay!

 All pictures taken from the port01 website!

It's the first time I ever worked as a editor or as a photograph "for real" and it was quite a nice feeling reading my name on the editorial page ^o^

You can read the whole magazine here online  in german only or if you live in Magdeburg, you can grab one for free in several bars and restaurants :D